Anadama Bread
Anadama is a classic New England bread made with cornmeal and molasses. This comforting loaf is surprisingly moist and tender, with just a hint of sweetness from the molasses. Great for sandwiches, toasted, or served with cultured butter and hearty chuck roast.
Plan a bit in advance for this bread. The night before you make the bread, mix the poolish that will be incorporated into the dough the next day. A poolish (equal parts flour and water with a pinch of yeast) is mixed the night before the bread is made and incorporated into the dough the next day. Adding a preferment, like this poolish, to a yeasted bread adds a depth of flavor and improves both the texture and keeping quality of the bread. If you want to make this bread all in one day, add an extra pinch of yeast to the poolish, and it will be ready in half the time.

14-16 hours
40 minutes
14-18 hours

One 9" x 5" pan loaf

- 91g (¾ cup) Bread flour
- 91g (about ⅓ cup) Water
- Pinch Instant yeast
- 140g (about ⅔ cup) Water
- 70g (½ cup) Cornmeal
Cornmeal Mash
- All Poolish
- All Cornmeal mash
- 150g (⅔ cup) Water
- 85g (¼ cup) Molasses
- 40g (3 tbsp) Oil or softened butter
- 8g (2 ½ tsp) Instant yeast
- 90g (¾ cup) Whole wheat flour
- 282g (2 ⅓ cup) Bread flour
- 9g (1 ¾ tsp) Fine salt
- Set up the Proofer: Set up the Proofer and set to 72°F (22°C)
- Mix the poolish: The evening before you want to make the bread, mix the poolish. Using the dough whisk, combine the flour, water, and yeast for the poolish. Mix until thoroughly combined. Cover and place in the Proofer or Sourdough Home to rest for 10 to 12 hours.
- Make the cornmeal mash: In a small pot, bring the 130g of water to a boil. Once boiling, add the cornmeal and stir for one minute until no lump remains and the mixture comes back to a boil. Remove from the heat, spread the mixture on a plate, and cover. Set aside until cool.
- Mix the dough: To the bowl of a stand mixer, add the water, poolish, cornmeal mash, and yeast. Stir with a dough whisk to break up the cornmeal and incorporate the poolish. Add the molasses and oil and stir to combine. Add the whole wheat flour, bread flour, and salt. Attach the dough hook, turn the mixer to the lowest speed, and mix for 2 minutes until no dry flour remains. Scrap the bottom of the bowl if necessary. Turn the speed to second speed and mix for 5 to 7 minutes. At the end of mixing, the dough will have gathered around the hook and will appear elastic, and will be somewhat tacky.
- Bulk fermentation: Set the Proofer to 79°F (26°C) and put the water tray in the middle of the warming plate. Pour ¼ cup (60 ml) of water into the tray and place the rack on top of the tray. Transfer the dough to a greased bowl and place it in the Proofer for about 1 ½ hours until doubled in size.
- Shape: Gently deflate the dough and turn out onto a floured counter. Shape into a 9” log. If desired, roll the top of the log in cornmeal. Place into a greased 9 x 5” bread pan.
- Proof: Place the bread pan in the proofer to rise for about 1 ½ hours. Toward the end of the proofing time, preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C)
- Bake: Remove the loaf from the proofer. Using a bread lame, or small shape knife, make four diagonal slashes across the top of the loaf. Bake the loaf for 35 to 40 minutes until it is a deep golden brown, and a probe thermometer inserted into the center will read 195°F to 200°F (90°C to 30°C). Remove from the pan and set on a rack to cool.