Making Probiotic Superfoods at Home

Tempeh adds nutrition to meals
Scientific research is clear: incorporating live probiotic cultures into your diet boosts the immune system and promotes digestive health. Yogurt is one of the best-known live culture foods, but there’s a world of incredible probiotic superfoods out there, each of them delicious and uniquely beneficial. Lacto-fermented pickles and sauerkraut (fermented in water, instead of pickled in vinegar) are making a comeback, with more and more people culturing them at home. Kefir and kefir water energy drinks are also easy to make, delicious and very nutritious. Homemade cheese, kimchi, tempeh, kefir, kombucha – these superfoods literally bubble over with fresh flavor and health benefits.
With a temperature range of 70F-120F and the durability to operate for as many hours or days as necessary, the Proofer provides an ideal environment for fermenting and culturing probiotic superfoods. Each food has a different optimal temperature for culturing, making the digital control of the Proofer vital for success:
- Kombucha does best from 72-82F/22-28C.
- Tempeh is cultured at 88F/31C.
- Japanese Natto needs a steady 100F/38C.
- Kefir and kefir water drinks work in a range from 70-85F/21-29C.
- Home cheese makers need to hold milk at steady temperatures of 72-102F/22-39C during ripening.

Homemade strawberry and ginger kombucha
Wherever your interest lies, the Proofer brings consistency and reliability to the process of culturing healthy, wholesome food at home.
Learn More:
- See how the Proofer excels at rising homemade bread and making yogurt.
- View the wide array of beautiful, hand-crafted foods that you can make with the Proofer.

Homemade fresh cheese